Sr. Fatima Mary K

In the year 2005, Rev.Sr.Tresa K. took charge as Correspondent, who is very amiable to all. In the year 2005 July Rev. Sr. Fatima Mary K., Kaleidoscopic counselor was appointed as the Principal. In 2007, college was selected for I.P.E. centre. In the same year 150th death anniversary celebrations of Rev. Fr. Mathias Wolff, S.J., were held. In the year 2003 the admissions were 443, in 2004 it was 488, in 2005 they were 409, in 2006 they were 355, in 2007 it was 415, in 2008 they were 392, in 2009 they were 369, in 2010 they were 278, and in 2011 they were 294.

As Commerce subject was in great demand M.E.C. and C.E.C. sections were introduced in the year 2010. College received Fire Certificate in the same year. ‘Inter Province Meet’ was held, depicting the life history of Dr. Mary Glory, an Australian Nun, who served on the Indian land, on the occasion of her 50th heavenly birth. In the year 2011, Alumni association was formed on December 10th 2011. Alumni inaugural function was celebrated. To bring about equality among the students, uniform was introduced.

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